July 2023 Peter Nelson Shield Competition
The Peter Nelson Shield competition was held on Saturday 29th July at Phear Park Bowling Club. This round robin style competition involved 24 bowlers in teams of 3 playing over 18 ends. This year's winners were John Horne, Bob Pemberton and Mo Bond with a plus score of 19. The runners up were Nigel Oates, John Dill and Sarah Westacott with a plus score of 13. The winners are shown here receiving the shield from club president Liz Nelson. The afternoon was rounded off with a superb fish and chip supper in the club house.
Mike Killoran
April 2023 UPDATE
The time has come to think about the new Bowling season.
Registration day is on Saturday 15th April.
Rick Tatchell will be in attendance from 10am till 12.30pm to collect your subscriptions. Weather permitting you can use the green.
Presidents Day will be on Sunday 16th April when President Liz Nelson delivers the first wood. Hopeful you can attend. Your captain Bryan Stone will be arranging some form of mixed drive, dress code is whites.
The tea rota will be displayed in the club house. Please remember that if you cannot do teas on that date, please make sure you find some one to take your place.
I request that any present bowler (including all social members) who do not intend to bowl this season, please return their front door key on or before registration day to Rick Tatchell. As we have no spare keys for new members joining.
Finally clean up day is on Thursday 13th April 10-30 start. We need all your help. Remember many hands make light work.
Hope to see you all on the green
John Robins